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Segment-Specific Neuronal Subtype Specification by the Integration of Anteroposterior and Temporal Cues

Figure 10

Misexpression of Antp triggers Ap cluster formation in anterior NB 5–6 lineages.

(A and B) Compared to control (A), pan-neuronal misexpression of Antp (B) triggers ectopic formation of Ap-clusters into brain segment B2, as evident by the coexpression of Eya, aplacZ, and Nplp1. Small boxes show the expression of Eya, Nplp1, and aplacZ expression in separate panels. (C) Misexpression of col triggers ectopic Eya and aplacZ expression throughout the anterior CNS. However, despite extensive Eya/aplacZ coexpression, we find no evidence of Nplp1 expression, confirming the notion that Antp plays additional roles beyond activating col. (D) Misexpressing Antp in a col mutant background, reveals a complete loss of Ap clusters in thoracic segments (the col mutant phenotype), and a failure to trigger ectopic anterior Ap cluster, evident by the absence of Eya/aplacZ/Nplp1 expressing clusters, demonstrating that Antp requires col to trigger Ap cluster formation. Genotypes: (A) aplacZ;elav-Gal4/+. (B) aplacZ/UAS-Antp;elav-Gal4/+. (C) aplacZ/UAS-col;elav-Gal4/+. (D) col3, aplacZ/col1; elav-Gal4/UAS-Antp.

Figure 10
