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DNA Detection Using Recombination Proteins

Figure 6

RPA for MRSA Detection Can Be Combined with an Instrumentation-Free Read-out System

(A) Schematic of the principle of product generation and lateral-flow strip detection (see text for details). FAM label (green), biotin label (red), α-FAM-gold (purple), α-biotin antibody (Y, detection line, filled arrowhead), species-specific α-[α-FAM-gold] antibody (T, control line, open arrowhead).

(B) Schematic of the lateral-flow probe design (top, here Lfs1) and its arrangement relative to amplification primers (bottom, here orfX and sccI/II). FAM label (green), biotin label (red).

(C) Lateral-flow strips used for the detection of RPA products. Reactions contained (left to right) ten copies of MRSAIII, ten copies of MRSAII, ten copies of MRSAI, or 10,000 copies of MSSA (negative control) as template. Positive signals are generated in the first three reactions (filled arrowhead). The MSSA control reaction only produced a flow-control signal.

Figure 6
