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Training-Induced Plasticity of Auditory Localization in Adult Mammals

Figure 3

Effects of Daily Training on the Accuracy of Auditory Localization by Ferrets Fitted with Unilateral Earplugs

(A) Magnitude of the unsigned errors made by one representative ferret (F0031) in response to 1,000-ms noise bursts. The errors have been averaged across speaker location in the left (plugged) and right (unplugged) hemifields. Data are shown for the session prior to insertion of the earplug, for eight daily sessions with the left ear occluded, and for the first session following plug removal.

(B) Equivalent data for another ferret (F0075), whose performance was measured with 40-ms noise bursts.

(C) Mean errors (across all speaker locations) at the start and end of the plugging period for three animals that were trained to localize 1,000-ms noise bursts.

(D) Mean errors at the start and end of the plugging period for three different ferrets that were trained to localize 40-ms noise bursts.

(E and F) Head-orienting errors (mean ± SEM) for the same animals whose approach-to-target responses are shown in (A) and (B), respectively.

Figure 3
