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ANALECTS A PROVISIONAL CALENDAR OF ST. JOHN CAPISTRAN'S CORRESPONDENCE PART II1 Mission in Central Europe and Poland: The Hussite Controversy June 50, 1451-May 17, 1455 301.145 l-VI-5, Wien. Aeneas Silvio Piccolomini, Episc. Senensis, ad IdC. Inc.: Adventum tuum ad novam civitatem---Des .: advenientem fugere viderer. Válete . . . pro me. Reg.: The Bishop, who was in the service of the Emperor, Frederick III, at the insistence of the authorities of Vienna , urges Capistran (who had just arrived at Wiener Neustadt ) to visit Vienna. The people ardently desire to see and hear him. Ms.: Wien, Bibl. Nat, cod. 3338, f. 25. Ed.: Rudolf Wolkan, ed., Der Briefwechsel des Eneas Silvius Piccolomini, III. Abt. (Vienna, 1909- ) 1: 19-20. Bn 191, proc. 302.145 l-VI-22, Wien. IdC ad Camerarium quinqué Artium, Aquilae. Inc.: Magnifici etc., humillima ac debita---- Iubet ipsa singularis in me benevolentia---Des .: absolvere vos non pigeat. Ex Ínclita Urbe Viennensi, XXII Iunii 1451. Post scriptum: Postquam he littere scripte sunt, sexaginta miracula___ Des.: multas scelstissimas hereses. Reg.: Capistran recounts to the authorities of the city of 1 See Franciscan Studies 89 (1989): 257, n. 10. 324OTTOKAR BONMANN L'Aquila the stupendous miracles God had worked by the intercession of St. Bernardine of Siena. If people hold him in great veneration everywhere, in Germany, Hungary and Boehemia, how much more should he be venerated by the citizens of L'Aquila, who have his sacred body. They should build a church in his honor without delay. This letter was followed on July 4 by another note in which Capistran mentions yet another sixty great miracles. He advises the authorities of L'Aquila that if Fr. James of the March does not arrive in time, they should clothe the body of St. Bernardine in the new silken habit which Capistran had sent them from Venice. Now he is ready to go to Bohemia in order to extirpate the infamous Hussite heresy. Ms.: Roma, Bibl. Angelica, cod. 1077, f. 156a-b. Bn 204, copy available. 303.1451-VI-25, Istanbul. Fratres quidam conventos S. Antonii in Constantinopoli ad IdC. Reg.: The friars of St. Anthony Friary ask Capistran to revoke a certain decision made by the superiors because it is disadvantageous for the friary. No copy available. Ms.: Cap., c. 362. Bn 192, proc. 304.1451-VII-3, Eichstadt. Ioannes III, Episc. Eichstadtensis, ad IdC. Inc.: Iohannes, dei gratia . . . Benedictos laudabilisque deus___ Des.: et a malo te conservare dignetur. Reg.: The Bishop of Eichstadt asks Capistran to receive his messenger, Fr. Francis Krebs, kindly, and give credence to what he will explain in the name of the Bishop. Ed.: Jahrbuchfürfränkische Landesforschung 26 (1966): 6-7. Bn 193a, copy available. 305.145 l-VII-8, Wien. IdC ad Franciscum Sforza, Ducem Mediolani. Inc.: Illustrissime et Excellentissime princeps---- Nuper vestre mihi littere reddite sunt___ Des.: ut facitis, commendatos suscipite---- manu propria me suscripsi. Reg.: The Duke, believing that Capistran was still in Venice , invites him to preach the word of God to the people A Provisional Calendar325 of Milan. Capistran answers him that he would be glad to comply but he is already in Vienna, ready to go to Bohemia in order to extirpate the Hussite heresy. Ed.: MF 5 (1890): 136. Bn 196. 306.1451-VII-17, Wien. IdC ad Iacobum de Marchia. Inc.: Rogo et obecro te, optime ac reverende mi pater___ Des.: sit tuenda et protegenda. Reg.: Capistran narrates to James of the March the many miracles God worked through the intercession of St. Bernardine of Siena. He ordered Fr. Frederick transferred to Vienna where the Observants had established a new friary. Since many students had joined the Order, more friars are needed to take care of the novices and the flourishing Studium. Ms.: Roma, Bibl. Angelica, cod. 1077, ff. 155b-156a. Bn 202, copy available. 307.145 l-VII-20, Wien. IdC ad Ioannem Schallermann, Episc. Gurkensem. Inc.: Fr. Iohannes de Capistrano . . . Reverendissime in Christo pater___ Non possum vobis prosequi___ Des.: licet orator fidelissimus. Reg.: Capistran thanks the Bishop of Gurk for his benevolence . He is sending the Bishop an ampulla with some relics of St. Bernardine of Siena and tells him that...

