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  • Sinikka and Tiina NopolaFinland ★ Authors
  • Lydia Kokkola

Sinikka (b. 1953) and her sister Tiina (b. 1955) Nopola were both born in Helsinki, but moved to Tampere when they were children. Sinikka graduated with an MA from Tampere University before returning to Helsinki, where she initially worked as a journalist. Tiina worked for the city of Helsinki and as a specialist kindergarten teacher before becoming a fulltime writer. Together the sisters have written two very successful series, one about Hayflower and Quiltshoe and the other about Ricky Rapper. They have also written the texts of two picture books about Peaceful Erkki, illustrated by Markus Majaluoma. Sinikka Nopola has also written extensively for adults and her writing includes journalism, plays for radio and stage, novels, song lyrics and TV-drama. Tiina Nopola has also produced a series of picture books about a girl called Siiri, illustrated by Mervi Lindman. The sisters write by sitting together discussing each sentence as it is produced. They claim that this is one of the reasons why their works contain so much dialogue.

The sisters’ work reflects changes in child-rearing styles in Finland over the past three decades. Much of their humor is directed at overly concerned parents, but they also consider the problems of physically or emotionally absent parents. The parents of Hayflower and Quiltshoe, in the sisters’ first successful series, are a somewhat absent minded but well-intentioned couple who lead an ecologically friendly lifestyle. In the first book in the series, Heinähattu ja Vilttitossu [Hayflower and Quiltshoe], the girls run away from home, convinced they can manage by themselves, but return home in the company of two policemen after a series of valuable adventures.

The Nopolas’ series of books about Ricky Rapper features a young boy who lives with his Aunt Rauha (Peace), who is secretly in love with her neighbor, Mr. Lindberg. Film versions of both series have been produced, and they have also been turned into plays and musicals. Many of the sisters’ volumes have been translated, despite the difficulties of capturing the language play and rhythm of the original texts.

Selected Publications

Rauhallinen Erkki. [Peaceful Erkki]. Illus. Markus Majaluoma. Helsinki: Tammi, 2001. Print.
Heinähattu, Vilttitossu ja Rubensin veljekset [Hayflower, Quiltshoe and the Rubens Brothers]. Illus. Markus Majaluoma. Helsinki: Tammi, 2001. Print.
Heinähattu, Vilttitossu ja tanssivakonstaapeli [Hayflower, Quiltshoe and the Dancing Constable]. Illus. Markus Majaluoma. Helsinki: Tammi, 2003. Print.
Risto Räppääjä ja villi kone [Ricky Rapper and the Wild Machine]. Illus. Aino Havukainen and Sami Toivonen. Helsinki: Tammi, 2006. Print.
Risto Räppääjä ja viimeinen tötterö [Ricky Rapper and the Last Cone]. Illus. Aino Havukainen and Sami Toivonen. Helsinki: Tammi, 2007. Print. [End Page 22]

