In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Alabama Historical AssociationFounded 1947

The Alabama Historical Association sponsors seven awards:

The James Ray Kuykendall Local Historical Society Award honors a local historical society in Alabama for outstanding achievement and significant contribution to a greater appreciation of the history of the community and state. The award is made in even-numbered years.

The James F. Sulzby Jr. Book Award recognizes the most important book that has contributed to greater knowledge and appreciation of Alabama history published in a two-year period. The award is made in odd-numbered years.

The Milo B. Howard Jr. Award recognizes the outstanding article published in The Alabama Review in a two-year period. The award is made in even-numbered years.

The Clinton Jackson Coley Award recognizes excellence in a publication in Alabama history, primarily local in emphasis, in a two-year period. The award is made in even-numbered years.

The Virginia V. Hamilton Award recognizes the person or group who has most encouraged communication between professional and nonprofessional historical interests in the state in a two-year period. The award is made in odd-numbered years.

The Clinton Jackson and Evelyn Coley Research Grant supports student research in Alabama history. The award is made in odd-numbered years.

The Rucker Agee Service Award recognizes an individual who has made extraordinary contributions toward fostering knowledge and appreciation of Alabama history by promoting the mission of the Alabama Historical Association. The award is presented on an occasional basis as merited.

The Association does not maintain library or archival collections.

The Alabama Review is a refereed journal. Normally two referees, chosen for expertise within the subject area, evaluate each manuscript submission for its contribution to scholarship, use of primary and secondary sources, writing style, and interest to general readers. Strict anonymity is accorded both authors and referees.

Manuscripts for publication should be sent via email to The Alabama Review at Hard copies of manuscripts will not be accepted. The Review’s telephone number is (205) 652-5562; the fax number is (205) 652 - 3579; and the e-mail address is The Alabama Historical Association and the University of West Alabama disclaim responsibility for statements, whether of fact or opinion, made by contributors to The Alabama Review.

The Alabama Review’s Web site at features contact information, guidelines for submissions, editorial policies, tables of contents for all back issues of the journal, and other links of interest to Alabama historians. [End Page 345]


