Robert Keen, letter to Eleazar Wheelock, 1768 March

Author Keen, Robert


ms number768240

abstractKeen writes to Wheelock with a list of books donated to the school and advises Wheelock that it would be in his best interest to write a thank-you note to the donor.

handwritingHand is formal and clear.

paperLarge sheet is in good condition, with light-to-moderate creasing, yellowing and wear.

inkDark brown.

Persistent Identifier
The Person who gives these Books wishes great succeſs to the pious undertaking of Mr Wheelock. and has sent.—
  • The Religious Philosopher— 2 Vol.s
  • Dr Watts's Sermons — — — 2 Vols
  • Watts's Logick — — — — 1 Volm
  • Newton on Prophecy — — — 3 Vol.s
for the use of the Library, or of any of the [illegible] Ministers.— and
  • 4 Testaments.—
for the use of the Schools.—
The above is a genteel present from Mr King of Bedford Row. London. he brought them in his Coach himself to me & Subscrib'd likewise 3 Guineas — as he seems to be a worthy Gent.n & I believe of the estasblish'd Church, it would not be amiſs when you write to me to subjoin a Postcript of thanks to him which I would shew him & may be productive of more favours
I am D.r Sr &c RKeen March 1768 —
Blank page.
Blank page.
From M.r King of Bedford  March 1768. By ye Hand of M.r Keen  Recd Jany 5th 1778.