Online ISSN : 2424-3191
ISSN-L : 0918-9238
セッションID: B2
B2 超小型人工衛星RISESATの姿勢制御系開発/評価環境(小型衛星)
桑原 聡文坂本 祐二吉田 和哉冨岡 義弘福田 和史杉村 伸雄福山 雅人澁谷 吉彦
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Recently, micro-satellites are widely developed and utilized in all over the world. Tohoku University is also very active in this field and has been already launched a 50 kg class microsatellite named SPRITE-SAT, also known as RISING-1, and has almost completed the development of RISING-2, which is waiting for a launch opportunity. Tohoku University is now developing a 2U-sized CubeSat and a 50 kg class RISESAT. Through these activities, Tohoku University has recognized the importance of ground developing and verification environment for attitude determination and control systems of small satellites and has started such an environment for the first time parallel to the development of the RISESAT. This environment consists of two stages of different types of simulators: the first stage is based on MATLAB/Simulink environment, and the second stage is based on so-called full-soft environment. The first one mainly focuses only on attitude determination and control system. The basic attitude determination and control laws are developed and verified in a hardware-in-the-loop simulation configuration in this environment. The full-soft environment is actually a real-time hardware-in-the-loop environment whose scope includes all subsystems of the satellite. The attitude determination and control algorithm developed in the first stage is implemented into this second stage simulator and further fine-tuned and verified together with the real hardware interfaces. This paper briefly summarizes the idea, development strategy, and development status of these environments.

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