Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 1P1-L11

Bionic-EyE: 緑内障模擬手術における切開時の感触評価
*小俣 誠二比江島 貴行山中 俊郎原田 香奈子光石 衛杉本 宏一郎上田 高志戸塚 清人白矢 智靖荒木 章之高尾 宗之相原 一森田 康之新井 史人
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


An artificial eye model which novice doctors can train a glaucoma surgery has not been enough developed yet. A realistic simulation system for medical education is required. However, although we have been got a sensory evaluation with several eyeball models by experienced doctors, material measurement of only an elastic modulus was lacked to understand the relationship between design of the eyeball model and doctor’s feelings. Therefore, to develop a bionic eyeball for glaucoma surgery practice, it is necessary to extract some mechanical characteristics during incising a sclera with a knife. In this study, we aim to clarify the characteristics through a simplified incision test with an artificial sclera equipped with a layered structure. As the result, we were able to quantify the doctor’s feeling by measuring the reaction force when incising sclera with different fiber diameters in the model.

© 2022 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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