Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 2A1-G21
2A1-G21 公共空間での人物動きシミュレーションとロボット経路計画への応用
重村 敦史石川 裕基三浦 純佐竹 純二
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The purpose of this research is modeling of people movement and development of a simulator in public space such as a shopping center and a cafeteria. We decompose people movements into global and local, and make a model for each of them. The global movement corresponds to follow a route from the current position to the destination, and represented by a path on a spatial network whose nodes are defined by divided regions of the whole environment. The local movement is the behavior that a person avoids surrounding people and obstacles, and modeled by a potential method. We also model the behaviors specific to the cafeteria, such as queuing and the search of free seats. As an application of the simulator, we developed a path planning simulation environment by combining the simulator and a path planner. We performed various simulation experiments on people movement and robot path planning. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the simulation.

© 2010 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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