Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: J024044
J024044 分岐を考慮した腕部血管系一次元数学モデルにおける脈波の反射の検証
高島 稔白井 敦早瀬 敏幸
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The pulse diagnosis is one of medical techniques in the traditional Chinese medicine. In the pulse diagnosis, a doctor put fingers onto radial artery of a patient and diagnoses diseases from the tactile sense of the pulse waves detected by the fingers with various indentation patterns of the artery. This diagnosis is a simple and non-invasive. And it is also said to be able to detect decline of the health. We have developed one dimensional mathematical model of arterial blood flow in an arm to reproduce the indentation of the radial artery by a finger, expecting essence of the diagnosis is in the change of the pulse waves by the indentation. This model takes into consideration bifurcation and reconnection of radial and ulnar arteries. In this research, we modified this model to quantitatively reproduce reflection of pressure waves at the bifurcation and reconnection, and it was verified by comparing the numerical result with analytical solution derived from characteristic impedance of the arteries.

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