Online ISSN : 2424-2691
ISSN-L : 2424-2691
セッションID: GS1112
GS1112 微小平歯車の潤滑条件に関する研究
鈴木 朋也高橋 美喜男板垣 貴喜前田 憲次高橋 秀雄
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In the micro metal gear, in order to make effective use of space, the lubricating condition is a problem. Specifically, in the case of the oil bath lubricating condition, that have to require space for save the oil. Therefore, non-lubrication is preferred. In space-related equipment and various medical equipment, the evaporation of the lubricating oil becomes a problem. In this study, we considered the effect of fluorine coating on the meshing teeth conditions of the micro spur gear. As the result, we obtained the following results; (1) In the fluorine coated gear, even if it was quite low torque and was quite low rotational speed, damage was confirmed in a short time. There is a possibility that the fluorine coating did not exist at the time of the experiment. To demonstrate original effect of fluorine coating, it is necessary to consider such a method of cleaning test gears. (2) In the damaged gear surface, the abrasive wear was observed for the whole tooth width. Therefore, the endurance test equipment which we developed has possibility that appropriate meshing can be achieved.

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