An Early Drowning Detection System for Internet of Things (IoT) Applications

Muhammad Ramdhan MS, Muhammad Ali, Paulson Eberechukwu N, Nurzal Effiyana G, Samura Ali, Kamaludin M.Y


Drowning is the leading cause of injury or death for children and teenagers. Designing a drowning detection device by implementing an Internet of Thing (IoT) is needed. An Early Drowning Detection System (EDDS) is a system that gives an early alarm to the guardians (parents and lifeguard) if the detector triggered an abnormal heartbeat and the victims are submerged under the water for a long time. A microcontroller was used to control the signal received from a pulse sensor and time for the signal lost under the water before it is transmitted to the access point. The access point acts as a data forwarding to the database via an internet connection. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) 433MHz radio frequency transceiver has been used to create the wireless communication between drowning detection device and monitoring hub. A triggered warning signal will be transmitted to the guardians via Android apps and web page.


internet of thing (IoT); early drowning detection device (EDDS); universal asynchronous receiver / transmitter (UART);

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293
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