Online ISSN : 1347-5231
Print ISSN : 0031-6903
ISSN-L : 0031-6903
小森 浩二片岡 誠倉本 展行辻 琢己中谷 尊史安原 智久三田村 しのぶ塙 由美子荻田 喜代一
ジャーナル フリー

2016 年 136 巻 9 号 p. 1275-1284


 At Setsunan University, a debrief session (a poster session) is commonly performed by the students who have completed the long-term students' practice. Since the valuable changes in practical competency of the students cannot be evaluated through this session, we specified items that can help evaluate and methods that can help estimate the students' competency as clinical pharmacists. We subsequently carried out a trial called the “Advanced Clinical Competency Examination”. We evaluated 103 students who had concluded the students' practice for the second period (Sep 1, 2014, to Nov 16, 2014): 70 students (called “All finish students”) who had completed the practice in a hospital and pharmacy, and 33 students (called “Hospital finish students”) who had finished the practice at a hospital only. The trial was executed in four stages. In the first stage, students drew pictures of something impressive they had learned during the practice. In the second stage, students were given patient cases and were asked, ”What is this patient's problem?” and “How would you solve this problem?”. In the third stage, the students discussed their answers in a group. In the fourth stage, each group made a poster presentation in separate rooms. By using a rubric, the teachers evaluated each student individually, the results of which showed that the “All finish students” could identify more problems than the “Hospital finish students”.

© 2016 The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
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