Formulation Optimization of NR/TBIR Tread Compound for High Performance Truck and Bus Radial Tire
投稿时间:2019-07-10  修订日期:2019-07-10
中文关键词: 天然橡胶  反式丁戊橡胶  载重子午线轮胎  胎面胶  高性能  配方优化  滚动阻力
英文关键词: NR  TBIR  truck and bus radial tire  tread compound  high performance  formulation optimization  rolling resistance
王 浩* 山东华聚高分子材料有限公司 huajutech1@chambroad. com 
李兰阁 山东华聚高分子材料有限公司  
王日国 山东华聚高分子材料有限公司  
葛怀涛 山东华聚高分子材料有限公司  
李太衬 山东华聚高分子材料有限公司  
任学斌 山东华聚高分子材料有限公司  
栾 波 山东华聚高分子材料有限公司  
摘要点击次数: 941
全文下载次数: 202
      The formulation optimization of natural rubber(NR)/trans-1,4-poly(butadiene-co-isoprene)rubber(TBIR)(blend ratio 90/10) tread compound for high performance truck and bus radial tire was studied.The results showed that,compared with carbon black reinforced NR/TBIR vulcanizates,the hardness,modulus,tensile strength,tear strength and abrasion resistance of carbon black/silica(blend ratio 40/15)reinforced NR/TBIR vulcanizates decreased little,the wet-skid resistance kept unchanged,the rolling resistance and heat built-up decreased 20% and 17% respectively.On the basis of this formulation,the optimized formulation was obtained by increasing the addition level of accelerator and sulfur by 10%.Compared with carbon black reinforced NR tread compound,the optimized formulation tread compound showed excellent mechanical and dynamic properties,i.e.under the condition of almost unchanging tensile strength and wet-skid resistance,rolling resistance and heat built-up decreasd by 26% and 20% respectively,and abrasion resistance improvd by 5%.This optimized formulation was suitable for the tread compound of high performance truck and bus radial tire with low rolling resistance.
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
WANG Hao Shandong Huaju Polymer Materials Co.,Ltd huajutech1@chambroad. com 
LI Lange Shandong Huaju Polymer Materials Co., Ltd  
WANG Riguo Shandong Huaju Polymer Materials Co.,Ltd  
GE Huaitao Shandong Huaju Polymer Materials Co.,Ltd  
LI Taichen Shandong Huaju Polymer Materials Co.,Ltd  
REN Xuebin Shandong Huaju Polymer Materials Co.,Ltd  
LUAN Bo Shandong Huaju Polymer Materials Co.,Ltd  
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