
2022年3月, 36卷6期

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引用本文: 智喜荷,段淑敏,张贞,赵青华,敖博.护士远程血压监测对城市高血压病人血压控制效果的系统评价[J].护理研究,2022,36(6):966-972

摘要: [目的]系统评价护士远程血压监测对城市高血压病人血压控制的效果。[方法]计算机检索PubMed、EMbase、Web of Science、Cochrane Library、ScienceDirect、OVID、EBSCO循证医学数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库、中国知网、万方、中文科技期刊全文数据库中有关护士远程血压监测对城市高血压病人血压控制效果的随机对照试验,检索时限为建库至2021年6月10日,文献筛选、资料提取、质量评价后,采用Stata 14.0进行Meta分析。[结果]最终纳入16篇文献,Meta分析显示,与对照组比较,干预组收缩压降低5.72 mmHg[MD=5.72,95%CI(4.11,7.33),<0.001],舒张压降低2.34 mmHg[MD=2.34,95%CI(1.48,3.20),<0.001]。Egger's检验结果表明,纳入研究发表偏倚风险较小。[结论]现有证据表明,护士远程血压监测对控制城市高血压病人血压具有有效性。

关键词: 远程监控;高血压;Meta分析;循证护理

课题: 河南省医学教育研究项目(Wjlx2020181)

Effect of remote blood pressure monitoring by nurses on blood pressure control in urban hypertensive patients:a Meta⁃analysis

ZHI Xihe,DUAN Shumin,ZHANG Zhen,ZHAO Qinghua,AO Bo

Abstract [Objective]To systematically evaluate the effect of remote blood pressure monitoring by nurses on blood pressure control in urban hypertensive patients.[Methods]Randomized controlled trials about effect of remote blood pressure monitoring by nurses on blood pressure control in urban hypertensive patients were retrieved from PubMed,EMbase,Web of Science,Cochrane Library,ScienceDirect,OVID,EBSCO Evidence⁃Based Medicine Database,CBM,CNKI,WanFang Data,VIP.The retrieval time was from the establishment of databases to 10 June,2021.After literature screening,information extraction and quality evaluation,Stata 14.0 was used for Meta⁃analysis.[Results]A total of 16 literature were included.Meta⁃analysis showed that compared with the control group,the systolic blood pressure in intervention group was reduced by 5.72 mmHg[MD=5.72,95%CI(4.11,7.33),<0.001],the diastolic blood pressure in intervention group was reduced by 2.34 mmHg[MD=2.34,95%CI(1.48,3.20),<0.001].The results of Egger's test indicated that included studies had a small risk of publication bias.[Conclusions]Existing evidence shows that remote blood pressure monitoring by nurses is effective on blood pressure control in urban hypertensive patients.

Keywords remote monitoring;hypertension;Meta⁃analysis;evidence⁃based nursing
