Elementary excitations in one-dimensional electromechanical systems; transport with back-reaction


2004 EDP Sciences
, , Citation Kang-Hun Ahn and Hangmo Yi 2004 EPL 67 641 DOI 10.1209/epl/i2004-10106-9



Using an exactly solvable model, we study the low-energy properties of a one-dimensional spinless electron fluid contained in a quantum-mechanically moving wire located in a static magnetic field. The phonon and electric currents are coupled via Lorentz force and the eigenmodes are described by two independent boson fluids. At low energies, the two boson modes are charged while one of them has excitation gap due to back-reaction of the Lorentz force. The theory is illustrated by evaluating optical absorption spectra. Our results are exact and show a non-perturbative regime of electron transport.

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