Due to urbanization, climate change, and population growth, waste and wastewater management issues are complex and dynamic. Wastewater is water that has had a negative anthropogenic (human) influence. Surface runoff or stormwater, agricultural, commercial, industrial, residential, and sewage input or infiltration are some of the possible sources. The circular economy has emerged as a viable alternative to the linear economy that eliminates waste from the system, optimizes resource utilization, uses goods at their optimum value, uses renewable energy sources, and continually replenishes natural resources. The circular economy could enhance resilience, wealth, and employment while lowering greenhouse gas emissions, waste, and pollution. Sustainability is the capacity to continue existing constantly and refers to the capability for ecology and human civilization to coexist. The three foundational pillars of sustainable development are economic, environmental, and social sustainability. Since decentralization focuses on local resource recycling and reuse as well as on-site wastewater treatment, it appears as a suitable solution to address the sustainability challenges with wastewater management systems. Decentralized approaches frequently fit well with local water reuse and consumption requirements, where locally treated water might boost agricultural output or serve as a stand-in for providing potable water for necessary uses. Organization, finance, technology, knowledge, supply chain, market, government, society, and the environment are the factors that affect the circular economy. Strategic infrastructure investments, policy coherence, coordination, and stakeholder involvement across sectors and governance levels are all necessary for the shift to a circular economy. The lack of funding and legal support for implementing the circular economy in the water sector is one of the biggest obstacles facing decentralized systems. The development and implementation of circular economy decentralized water treatment systems require the use of circular economy strategies.