Companies today, in some industries more than other can now see the EMERGING ICT based GLOBAL BUSINESS MODELS based on MOBILE AND WIRELESS technology. Communication will in 2020 look different to what we know about today.

Due to heavy investment in mobile and wireless research and technology both from private and public bodies developed and diverse solutions we hardly can imagine will be realized and even common to us in 2020.

Time is now to think about which new mobile and wireless communication business model opportunities we will enter. However, the choice, development and innovation of these new technical and business models are indeed a complex matter.

The history of ICT based Communication is relatively young and the story on Mobile and Wireless Communication based business models is even younger. However the study of Mobile and Wireless communication together related to multi business models has just begun.

In 2020 the user will be placed in the middle of these technologies - in the very core. The technology will be user centric and will finally enable the user to continuously fulfill his demand of new, radical, speedy development of new value possibilities. The supply of new values will up till 2020 be tenfold previous seen evolutions.

This chapter will explain firstly the history and background of ICT based communication - in specific Mobile and Wireless communication and its relation to the new business models, hereafter the explain how we see these new models and then finally offer a futuristic Outlook to multibusiness Models and innovation possibilities enabled by ICT in 2020.