Erectile dysfunction (ED) has plagued men since ancient times, but effective treatment has only been available since the late 20th century. The era of implantable devices for ED began with the development of silicone-based prosthetic materials in the late 1960s. Semirigid rod implants available in the 21st century are the descendants of devices designed and implanted in the 1970s. The semirigid devices usually consist of a central metal cable. The cable core facilitates positioning of the implant between uses. Physical examination should include a genital examination to include the scrotum, testes, secondary hair distribution, femoral and distal lower-extremity pulses, and the penis for Peyronie's plaques or other abnormalities. Surgical implantation of penile prostheses can be carried out using a variety of surgical approaches and incisions. Semirigid and malleable prostheses can be implanted through distal penile, penoscrotal, or perineal approaches.