Radiation enteritis was induced in conscious dogs by nine fractionated doses of total abdominal radiation on alternate days over a period of three weeks. The motor activity of the small bowel was recorded by eight strain gauge transducers implanted surgically under general pentobarbital anesthesia. The retrograde giant contractions would rapidly empty the contents of the small bowel, including pancreaticobiliary secretions, into the stomach in preparation for vomitus expulsion by somatomotor response. The effect of inflammation on colonic motor function was investigated in conscious dogs. In the normal state, the dog colon exhibits migrating and non-migrating motor complexes. During colitis, mostly the migrating motor complexes were present, but their cycle length was significantly prolonged. The motor activity of the small bowel was recorded by eight strain gauge transducers implanted surgically under general pentobarbital anesthesia. In summary, a number of abnormal patterns of motor activity occur during inflammation of.