MO Jin-jun,WU Zheng-tao,GAO Ze-cui,WANG Qi-min.High-temperature Oxidation and Tribological Behavior of AlTiYN Coatings by Arc Ion Plating[J].China Surface Engineering,2018,31(4):104~112
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莫锦君, 吴正涛, 高则翠, 王启民
广东工业大学 机电工程学院, 广州 510006
为研究添加0.76% Y元素对AlTiN涂层结构、高温氧化行为及摩擦学性能的影响规律及作用机制,采用多弧离子镀技术于硬质合金(YG3X)表面沉积AlTiN及AlTiYN涂层。利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)研究涂层组织结构;采用纳米压痕仪、划痕仪进行力学性能表征;通过高温氧化试验分析涂层的高温抗氧化性能;利用高温摩擦磨损试验机研究涂层的摩擦磨损行为。结果表明:添加Y元素后,AlTiYN涂层发生晶粒细化、组织结构致密化、硬度及韧性增加、结合强度显著提升。AlTiN涂层经900℃/2 h氧化处理后已完全氧化;而AlTiYN涂层经900℃/2 h氧化处理后未完全氧化,氧化层厚度为1.1 μm,表明添加Y元素可以增强AlTiN涂层的高温抗氧化能力。此外,AlTiYN涂层在900℃下其摩擦因数及磨损率均低于AlTiN涂层,表明添加Y元素可有效增强涂层高温耐磨损性能。
关键词:  多弧离子镀  AlTiN  AlTiYN  高温氧化  高温摩擦学行为
High-temperature Oxidation and Tribological Behavior of AlTiYN Coatings by Arc Ion Plating
MO Jin-jun, WU Zheng-tao, GAO Ze-cui, WANG Qi-min
School of Electromechanical Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006
To investigate the influence of 0.76% Y addition on microstructure and high temperature properties of the AlTiN coatings, the AlTiN and AlTiYN coatings were deposited on cemented carbide (YG3X) by arc ion plating. The microstructure, mechanical properties, oxidation and wear resistance of the coatings were analyzed by SEM, XRD, nano-indentation, scratch test, annealing and high-temperature tribometer, respectively. The results show that the addition of Y element refines the grain and improves the compactness of the coating. The coating hardness, toughness and adhesion strength increase due to the addition of Y. When the AlTiN coating is completely oxidized at 900℃ for 2 h in air, the AlTiYN has an oxide layer of 1.1 μm. Hence, it shows a better oxidation resistance than that of the Y free AlTiN coating. Additionally, the friction coefficient and wear rate of the AlTiYN coating at 900℃ are lower than that of the AlTiN coating, which indicates that adding Y element can effectively enhance the high-temperature wear resistance of the coating.
Key words:  arc ion plating  AlTiN  AlTiYN  high-temperature oxidation  high-temperature tribological behavior