
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于大数据和随机矩阵理论的变电站状态评估


1573    2020-08-19



作者:曹昆, 李国昌, 王艳松, 胡彩娥, 马龙飞

作者单位:国网北京市电力公司,北京 100075




Substation state evaluation based on big data technology and random matrix theory
CAO Kun, LI Guochang, WANG Yansong, HU Caie, MA Longfei
State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company, Beijing 100075, China
Abstract: In recent years, intelligent substation is rising, and the requirements for a large number of data processing are also increasing. For this reason, a new intelligent monitoring method of substation based on big data technology and random matrix theory is established in this paper. By extracting the statistical correlation between key states and parameters of substation, the operation state of substation is detected. In this method, the high-dimensional random matrix of time series is used to conduct deduction, and the radius of single ring law is used as the statistical analysis to characterize the measurement data. Through the comparison of these statistical analysis, the evaluation of key states and anomaly detection are completed. Finally, through the modeling analysis based on the transformer data of the substation itself and the parameters of the transmission line connected with the substation, this paper shows the effectiveness and feasibility of anomaly detection using high-dimensional matrix. Compared with the traditional threshold comparison method, the proposed method uses high-dimensional matrix method combined with the time-space relationship of state variables to mine the data Potential development trend, with high precision, has a high reference in practical engineering applications.
Keywords: big data analysis;transmission equipment;key state;high-dimensional random matrix;single loop law
2020, 46(8):149-157  收稿日期: 2020-04-01;收到修改稿日期: 2020-05-08
作者简介: 曹昆(1976-),女,辽宁沈阳市人,高级工程师,硕士,主要研究方向为电力系统及其自动化
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