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孙艳君1, 王保和2
1.天津中医药大学, 天津 301617;2.天津中医药大学第二附属医院, 天津 300250
关键词:  冠心病  浊邪  病因病机  治法方药  医案举隅  王保和
Clinical experience of treating coronary heart disease from turbid pathogen
SUN Yanjun1, WANG Baohe2
1.Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China;2.The Second Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300250, China
Turbid pathogen is one of the common pathogenic factors of clinical diseases,and the theory of turbid pathogen is an important part of the academic theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine,and it is an applied theory to study the occurrence,development,change,pathogenic law and treatment principles of turbid pathogen. Professor WANG Baohe made good use of turbid evil theory to guide clinical diagnosis and treatment,emphasizing the influence of turbid pathogen in the disease. It is pointed out that turbid pathogen is an important pathological factor leading to coronary heart disease,and according to the pathogenic characteristics of turbid pathogen,the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease is analyzed from the "triple theory" of turbid,phlegm and blood stasis,and the treatment of coronary heart disease is based on eliminating phlegm,removing blood stasis and resolving turbid. This paper expounds the concept of "turbid evil",interprets the main contents of the theory of turbid evil,discusses the etiology,pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of coronary heart disease caused by turbid evil,and introduces the specific treatment methods,such as relieving turbid phlegm and removing blood stasis,relieving turbid phlegm and removing blood stasis,and so on. Professor WANG Baohe's clinical experience is expounded,and a typical medical record is attached.
Key words:  coronary heart disease  turbid pathogen  etiology and pathogenesis  prescriptions and medicines  examples of medical records  WANG Baohe