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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter April 1, 2005

Convergence analysis and error estimates for mixed finite element method on distorted meshes

  • Yu. Kuznetsov and S. Repin

In [2] we introduced a new type of mixed finite element approximations for two- and three-dimensional problems on distorted polygonal and polyhedral meshes that consist of cells having different forms. Additional degrees of freedom that arise in the process are excluded by a special condition that is natural for the mixed finite element approximations considered. This paper is devoted to the error analysis of the respective finite element solutions. We show that under certain assumptions on the regularity of the exact solution the convergence rate for the new approximations is the same as for the Raviart–Thomas finite element approximations of the lowest order.

Published Online: 2005-04-01
Published in Print: 2005-04-01

Copyright 2005, Walter de Gruyter

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