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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton April 8, 2009

Rhythm as an Affordance for the Entrainment of Movement

  • Fred Cummins
From the journal Phonetica


A general account of rhythm in human behaviour is provided, according to which rhythm inheres in the affordance that a signal provides for the entrainment of movement on the part of a perceiver. This generic account is supported by an explication of the central concepts of affordance and entrainment. When viewed in this light, rhythm appears as the correct explanandum to account for coordinated behaviour in a wide variety of situations, including such core senses as dance and the production of music. Speech may appear to be only marginally rhythmical under such an account, but several experimental studies reveal that speech, too, has the potential to entrain movement.


Received: 2008-09-02
Accepted: 2008-11-16
Published Online: 2009-04-08
Published in Print: 2009-04-01

© 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel

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