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Volume 17, Issue 1March 2010
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Brief encounters: Sensing, modeling and visualizing urban mobility and copresence networks

Moving human-computer interaction off the desktop and into our cities requires new approaches to understanding people and technologies in the built environment. We approach the city as a system, with human, physical and digital components and ...

Mining problem-solving strategies from HCI data

Can we learn about users' problem-solving strategies by observing their actions? This article introduces a data mining system that extracts complex behavioral patterns from logged user actions to discover users' high-level strategies. Our application ...

Potential for personalization

Current Web search tools do a good job of retrieving documents that satisfy the most common intentions associated with a query, but do not do a very good job of discerning different individuals' unique search goals. We explore the variation in what ...

Experiments on the preference-based organization interface in recommender systems

As e-commerce has evolved into its second generation, where the available products are becoming more complex and their abundance is almost unlimited, the task of locating a desired choice has become too difficult for the average user. Therefore, more ...

