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Anasazi software for the numerical solution of large-scale eigenvalue problems
Article No.: 13, pp 1–23

Anasazi is a package within the Trilinos software project that provides a framework for the iterative, numerical solution of large-scale eigenvalue problems. Anasazi is written in ANSI C++ and exploits modern software paradigms to enable the research ...

Programming matrix algorithms-by-blocks for thread-level parallelism
Article No.: 14, pp 1–26

With the emergence of thread-level parallelism as the primary means for continued performance improvement, the programmability issue has reemerged as an obstacle to the use of architectural advances. We argue that evolving legacy libraries for dense and ...

Algorithm 895: A continued fractions package for special functions
Article No.: 15, pp 1–20

The continued fractions for special functions package (in the sequel abbreviated as CFSF package) complements a systematic study of continued fraction representations for special functions. It provides all the functionality to create continued fractions,...

Algorithm 896: LSA: Algorithms for large-scale optimization
Article No.: 16, pp 1–29

We present 14 basic Fortran subroutines for large-scale unconstrained and box constrained optimization and large-scale systems of nonlinear equations. Subroutines PLIS and PLIP, intended for dense general optimization problems, are based on limited-...

Algorithm 897: VTDIRECT95: Serial and parallel codes for the global optimization algorithm direct
Article No.: 17, pp 1–24

VTDIRECT95 is a Fortran 95 implementation of D. R. Jones' deterministic global optimization algorithm called DIRECT, which is widely used in multidisciplinary engineering design, biological science, and physical science applications. The package ...

