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Tranexamic Acid in Control of Haemorrhage after Dental Extraction in Haemophilia and Christmas Disease

Br Med J 1972; 2 doi: (Published 06 May 1972) Cite this as: Br Med J 1972;2:311
  1. C. D. Forbes,
  2. R. D. Barr,
  3. G. Reid,
  4. C. Thomson,
  5. C. R. M. Prentice,
  6. G. P. Mc Nicol,
  7. A. S. Douglas


    In a double-blind trial tranexamic acid (AMCA, Cyclokapron), 1 g three times a day for five days, significantly reduced blood loss and transfusion requirements after dental extraction in patients with haemophilia and Christmas disease. No side effects were seen in either group of patients. Screening tests showed no toxic action of tranexamic acid on the liver, kidney, or heart.