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313WS Electronic multilayered guideline format: a novel structure and presentation of trustworthy guidelines at the point of care
  1. A Kristiansen1,
  2. P Vandvik1,
  3. P Alonso-Coello2,
  4. D Rigau2,
  5. L Brandt1,
  6. G Guyatt3
  1. 1Hospital Innlandet Trust, Gjøvik, Norway
  2. 2Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre, Institute of Biomedical Research (IIB Sant Pau), Barcelona, Spain
  3. 3Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada


Background The DECIDE Project – created by the GRADE Working Group and funded by the European Union – aims at developing and evaluating strategies to improve dissemination and uptake of evidence-based recommendations. Work Package I targets health care professionals and has developed an electronic multilayered guideline format that includes the top layer; consisting of the minimum set of information components deemed necessary for clinicians to act on a recommendation. The first phase of iterative refinements through stakeholder feedback and user testing is completed and we’re now initiating the second phase consisting of surveys and randomised trials of alternative formats.

Objectives To update participants on the DECIDE project (WP1) and gather feedback on current and alternative guideline formats.

Target Group Guideline developers.

Description The workshop will open with an introduction to the background and progress of the DECIDE project/WP1. Participants will be given a clinical scenario together with relevant examples of guidelines after which they’re asked to provide anonymous information on attitudes and perceptions of trustworthy guidelines, the use of GRADE and current presentation formats. Following this they’ll be given a systematic review on the same subject and asked to write a draft recommendation in the top layer format using a prototype online authoring tool tailored for the format. Participants will at the end of the session be asked to provide feedback on the novel format, specifically on relevance, comprehension, likability and feasibility of production. Feedback is collected using a multiple-choice survey with clickers in addition to a final discussion

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