Online ISSN : 2185-1034
Print ISSN : 0447-7227
ISSN-L : 0447-7227
耳鼻咽喉科領域感染症におけるFlomoxef (6315-S) の基礎的,臨床的検討
馬場 駿吉稲垣 光昭海野 徳二上戸 敏彦柳内 統野中 聡市川 良之古内 一郎河村 正三芳川 洋桜井 淳板橋 隆嗣和田 昌士藤巻 豊渡辺 洋野村 恭也仙波 哲雄鳥山 寧二渡辺 博紀市村 恵一庄司 稔三宅 浩郷新川 敦坂本 裕大西 信治郎西村 忠郎鈴木 昭男丸尾 猛伊藤 晴夫松永 亨浅井 英世玉置 弘光金 聖真石田 稔田矢 直三松永 喬岩崎 壽美柏木 令子梁川 明久北奥 恵之折田 洋造秋定 健涌谷 忠雄藤野 有弘寺嶋 正治尾中 良久関谷 透沖中 芳彦平田 哲康日吉 正明齋藤 春雄木村 正茂木 五郎黒野 祐一佐藤 春生弓崎 明輝吉村 弘之進 武幹渡部 俊古川 満森満 保林 明俊笠野 藤彦牧野 浩二柊山 幹子永井 みどり松元 一郎東野 哲也大山 勝古田 茂矢野 博美深水 浩三伊東 一則大野 聖大野 郁夫出口 浩一
キーワード: 耳鼻咽喉科感染症
ジャーナル フリー

1989 年 35 巻 2Supplement1 号 p. 394-409


Fundamental and clinical evaluations of the safety and effectivity of FMOX in treating diseases caused by bacterial infections concerning the otorhinolaryngological field were done, and the following results were obtained. 1. FMOX was effective against S. aureus, S. pyogenes, Klebsiella sp., H. influenzae, B. catarrhalis, Anaerobic streptococci and Peptostreptococcus sp. isolated from patients with Various types of otorhinolaryngological infections, most notably, suppurative otitis media. The following data correspond to the MIC of FMOX for each of the above bacteria:≤6.25μg/ml, ≤0.78μg/ml, ≤0.39μg/ml, ≤0.78μg/ml, ≤0.78μg/ml, ≤1.56μg/ ml and≤0.78μg/ml, respectiVely. For S. aureus, FMOX had a far greater antibacterial effect than CTM or LMOX. 2. The maximum concentration in tissue (Cmax) of 1g FMOX administered intravenously, was 25.6μg/g in the middle ear and 11.1μg/ml in the tonsils. 3. The percent efficiency of FMOX was measured against a standardized evaluation. FMOX was 56.9% effective against otitis media, 93.4% effective against tonsillitis, 100% effective against pharyngitis and laryngitis, and 75.2% effective against all infections. Physicians evaluated FMOX to have an efficacy of 79.7% against all infections. 4. The rate of bacterial disappearance was high: in infections of Gram-positive bacteria alone, 89.8%, and 75.0% in infections of Gram-negative bacteria alone. FMOX was also rated high at dealing with complex bacterial infections, including those with S. aureus. 5. The percent utility of FMOX was 62.1% against otitis media, 96.7% against tonsillitis, 64.7% against other infections, and 76.5% against all infections. 6. Mild side effects were noted in 5 patients (2.8%: gastrointestinal symptoms and hypersensitivity of the skin). Laboratory examinations uncovered abnormal findings primarily suggesting mild hepatic and renal dysfunction in 7 patients (6.2%), but these Were all temporary. From these results, FMOX is considered to be highly useful for the treatment of otorhinolaryngological infections, most notably suppurative otitis media.

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