Review paper

European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana Part II: Prevention and management

Benelli, Giovanni; Lucchi, Andrea; Anfora, Gianfranco; Bagnoli, Bruno; Botton, Marcos; Campos-Herrera, Raquel; Carlos, Cristina; Daugherty, Matthew P.; Gemeno, César; Harari, Ally R.; Hoffmann, Christoph; Ioriatti, Claudio; López Plantey, Rodrigo J.; Reineke, Annette; Ricciardi, Renato; Roditakis, Emmanouil; Simmons, Gregory S.; Tay, Wee Tek; Torres-Vila, Luis M.; Vontas, John; Thiéry, Denis

Entomologia Generalis Volume 43 Number 2 (2023), p. 281 - 304

published: May 25, 2023
published online: Apr 28, 2023
manuscript accepted: Feb 26, 2023
manuscript revision received: Jan 25, 2023
manuscript revision requested: Jan 23, 2023
manuscript received: Dec 20, 2022

DOI: 10.1127/entomologia/2023/1947

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Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), commonly known as the European grapevine moth (EGVM), is a primary pest of vineyards. This article provides an updated review of its monitoring, modelling, and management tools. EGVM management strategies analysed here include insecticide-based control, insecticide resistance, side-effects (particularly those caused by the exposure to sublethal doses of pesticides), cultural control, sterile insect technique, pheromone-mediated control strategies (with special reference to pheromone-based mating disruption), biological control, and area-wide control programs. Lastly, we outline significant challenges for future EGVM research and sustainable control implementation.


area-wide pest managementbiological controlentomopathogensIntegrated Pest Managementmating disruptionmodellingmonitoringparasitoidspredatorssex pheromonestortricids