Review paper

European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana Part I: Biology and ecology

Benelli, Giovanni; Lucchi, Andrea; Anfora, Gianfranco; Bagnoli, Bruno; Botton, Marcos; Campos-Herrera, Raquel; Carlos, Cristina; Daugherty, Matthew P.; Gemeno, César; Harari, Ally R.; Hoffmann, Christoph; Ioriatti, Claudio; López Plantey, Rodrigo J.; Reineke, Annette; Ricciardi, Renato; Roditakis, Emmanouil; Simmons, Gregory S.; Tay, Wee Tek; Torres-Vila, Luis M.; Vontas, John; Thiéry, Denis

Entomologia Generalis Volume 43 Number 2 (2023), p. 261 - 280

published: May 25, 2023
published online: Apr 28, 2023
manuscript accepted: Feb 26, 2023
manuscript revision received: Dec 20, 2022
manuscript revision requested: Nov 28, 2022
manuscript received: Sep 26, 2022

DOI: 10.1127/entomologia/2023/1837

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Though the European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) can feed on more than forty plant species, grapevine is the preferred crop worldwide. This moth is a western palearctic species that has recently spread to Chile, Argentina, and California. The possible further expansion in other regions of the Americas is greatly feared and should be monitored carefully in the near future. In this framework, we provide an updated review of the current knowledge on its taxonomy, morphology, biology, ecology, genomics, geographic distribution, and invasiveness. Then, in the last section, we develop a research agenda pointing out significant challenges for future investigations on bio-ecology and invasion biology, which are tightly connected with the prevention and management strategies.


pest distributionchemical ecologyclimate changeinvasivenesslife cyclemorphology and taxonomysex pheromoneTortricidaevineyard pest