Original paper

Where to look for basidiomata of Phellinidium pouzarii (Fungi, Hymenochaetaceae), a rare European polypore of montane old-growth forests with fir (Abies)?

Holec, Jan; Kunca, Vladimír; Vampola, Petr; Beran, Miroslav

Nova Hedwigia Band 109 Heft 3-4 (2019), p. 379 - 397

35 references

published: Nov 20, 2019
published online: Oct 8, 2019
manuscript accepted: Jul 22, 2019
manuscript received: Apr 2, 2019

DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2019/0555

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Records of Phellinidium pouzarii from 13 localities in seven European countries were analyzed as for the microhabitat parameters at sites of basidiomata occurrence. The dataset consisted of 45 records out of them 37% were on artificial microhabitats – cut surfaces of fallen fir (Abies) trunks, and 61% on natural positions, mostly lateral and bottom sides of trunks lying on the soil. In the latter case the basidiomata often were very large and thick, forming irregular ‘pies’ or horizontal strips up to 150 cm long and 5 cm thick. A newly revealed microhabitat is a naked wood of fracture surfaces of fallen trunks broken to several parts. In this case, basidiomata were small, having the area of several cm2 and thickness of up to 5 mm. Detailed information on parameters of selected trunks helped to reveal that P. pouzarii basidiomata occur both several years after trunk fall and up to 4 decades after trunk death. Basidiomata grow on decorticated wood from early decay stages to the late ones (with maximum records in the medium stages) and they can persist for at least one decade on the same trunk. A distribution map showing currently known European localities was compiled. A record from Romania is published here for the first time. Phellinidium pouzarii has a clear island pattern of occurrence. It is limited to well-preserved montane old-growth forests with fir at the elevations 710–1100 m a.s.l., in all cases protected as nature reserves.


PolyporesHymenochaetalesPhellinusecologydistributionEuropefructification strategytrunk microhabitatswood decayvirgin forestsnature reserves