Original paper

The genus Microporellus (Basidiomycota, Polyporales) in the Neotropics

Motato-Vásquez, Viviana; Gugliotta, Adriana de Mello

Nova Hedwigia Band 103 Heft 1-2 (2016), p. 225 - 238

published: Aug 1, 2016

DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2016/0347

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The genus Microporellus is characterized by species with pileate basidiomata, either sessile or stipitate, dimitic hyphal system, mostly with dextrinoid skeletal hyphae, and subglobose basidiospores, commonly lacrymoid to elongated-lacrymoid. Although there are records of at least ten species of the genus in the Neotropics, there is no comprehensive taxonomic revision of them. In this study the types of all Microporellus species recorded for the Neotropics, as well as new collections, were studied and compared morphologically, confirming the occurrence of five Microporellus species for this region. Type specimens of Microporellus amazonicus and M. iguazuensis are proposed as taxonomic synonyms based on morphological comparison. An identification key, morphological comments, illustrations, and a table with the most important characteristics to distinguish the species are presented. In addition, taxa with doubtful occurrence in the Neotropics are discussed.


xylophilous fungineotropical mycodiversitytaxonomypolyporaceae