Original paper

The American Species of the Familia Clambidae (Coleoptera: Eucinetoidea)

Endródy-Younga, Sebastian

Entomologia Generalis Volume 7 Number 1 (1981), p. 33 - 67

28 references

published: Mar 30, 1981

DOI: 10.1127/entom.gen/7/1981/33

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The generic composition of the revised Clambidae fauna of the American continents is the same as in the Palaearctic Region. As in all regions, the genus Clambus Fischer von Waldheim 1820 is the largest with 9 known and 14 new species: C. bowdeni n. sp., spangleri n. sp., subparis n. sp.,smetanai n. sp., arizonicus n. sp., panamanensis n. sp., glabratus n. sp., dybasi n. sp., nudipleura n. sp.,arnetti n. sp., chiriquiensis n. sp., impressipennis n. sp., signatus n. sp. The genus Loricaster Mulsant & Rey 1861 shows an unusual speciation, mainly in the Sonoran Region; 5 ofthe 6 species found prove to be new: L. bioculatus n. sp., tumidus n. sp., cyclops n. sp., depressus n. sp., lawrenci n. sp. The genus Calyptomerus Redtenbacher 1849 is represented by only 1 known species. 3 species of the genus Clambus, gibbulus (Leconte 1850, pubescens Redtenbacher 1849, armadillo (De Geer 1774), prove to be common with species of Europe. Identification keys are provided for American genera and species of Clambidae. Brief phylogenetic and biogeographic considerations are included.