Original paper

Behavioural studies on Shoot and Fruit Borer, Conogethes punctiferalis, Guenée, (Crambidae: Lepidoptera) host-associated populations reveal occurrence of cryptic species

Pathour, Shashank R.; Chakravarthy, Akshay Kumar; Chandrashekharaiah, R.; Bhanu, K.R.M.

Entomologia Generalis Volume 35 Number 2 (2014), p. 103 - 115

published: Jul 1, 2014
manuscript accepted: Feb 6, 2014
manuscript received: Nov 11, 2013

DOI: 10.1127/0171-8177/2014/0047

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Abstract Conogethes punctiferalis, Guenée, reared on castor (Ricinus) and cardamom (Elettaria) was observed for moth emergence pattern, calling and mating behaviour and effect of interbreeding on offsprings. Females C. punctiferalis reared on castor emerged four hour (17.78 %) after lights off (ALO), those reared on cardamom emerged an hour (23.46 %) ALO. The calling frequency was more pronounced in female C. punctiferalis reared on castor compared to that on cardamom. C. punctiferalis moths reared on cardamom showed peak mating between 4 to 6 hours ALO, while 6 to 9 hours in females reared on castor. Failure of hybridization between C. punctiferalis reared on castor and cardamom suggest that the two C. punctiferalis populations segregated into two species. C. punctiferalis is a complex of species and observations, experiments, history and ecology support separation of C. punctiferalis on castor and cardamom into two.


Conogethes punctiferalis, Guenée, 1854CastorCardamomcalling frequencyhybridizationcryptic species