DOI - Mendel University Press

DOI identifiers

DOI: 10.11118/978-80-7509-904-4-0050


Daniela Smetanová

The proposed methodology for evaluating of the landscape potential for recreation is grounded on the basic values of the territory, which make the area more attractive for visit in leisure time. For the purposes of the methodology, the landscape potential for recreation is the system of natural and cultural-historical elements of the area and its aesthetic values, which together create a harmonious complex, and can fulfill the ability of the landscape to provide opportunities for recreation. The proposed method of evaluating the potential for recreation was tested by the GIS on two chosen areas (the surrounding of the town Mladá Vožice in South Bohemia region and the surrounding of the town Mikulov in South Moravian region) and subsequently subjected to a critical assessment.

Keywords: landscape values, landscape character, recreation, GIS

pages: 50-56, Published: 2023, online: 2023


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