#include WPPM_macros.inc #include WPPM_SR_Sphere_macro.inc do_errors xdd Pt-12uc-as-built-Debye_dueTheta.xy x_calculation_step 0.0005 r_exp 0.110919266 r_exp_dash 0.110919266 r_wp 2.26502392 r_wp_dash 2.26502392 r_p 0.608686758 r_p_dash 0.608686758 weighted_Durbin_Watson 0.208144158 gof 20.4204733 'bkg -0.141611061_0.047144226 0.662027953_0.0387980553 0.166433467_0.0285880221 0.0616909679_0.0297188802 lam ymin_on_ymax 0.0001 la 1 lo 1.54059 lh 0.01 ' as a test, wavelength is set equal to Cu_Kalpha1 radiation LP_Factor( 90) ' fully polarized radiation prm RRR 4.67813`_0.00000 ' min .001 max = Min(2 Val + .01, 20); val_on_continue = Rand(0, 4); 'nm prm RRRamstrong = 10.0*RRR; : 46.78130`_0.00000 prm nofAtoms 28732.74471`_17.60317 fit_obj = saxs(X, RRRamstrong /*A*/, 1.54059/*A*/, nofAtoms, 78); STR(F_M_3_M) phase_name "platinum" Cubic(!aPt 3.9115_0.000041) site Pt x 0 y 0 z 0 occ Pt 1 beq 0 MVW( 780.312, 59.845, 100.000`_0.000) 'use of WPPM_SR_Sphere(sigmac, sigmav, betac, betav, roc, rov, radioc, radiov, s11, s12, s44) 'elastic costants for Pt in TPa^-1 units prm !s11 = 7.33706; prm !s12 = -3.0796; prm !s44 = 12.987; prm !ssigma -0.000392_0.00002 min -0.001 max = 0; val_on_continue = Rand(-0.001, 0); 'TPa, since the elastic constants are in TPa prm !bbeta -0.0214_0.00306 min -0.5 max = 0; val_on_continue = Rand(-0.5, 0); 'nm prm !rro 0.133_0.06473 min 0 max = 0.5; val_on_continue = Rand(0, 0.5); val_on_continue = Rand(0, 1); 'nm prm kk = Constant(aPt)/3.9242 -1; : -0.00324 WPPM_Sphere(, RRR) WPPM_SR_Sphere(,ssigma,,bbeta,,rro,,RRR,,kk,s11,s12,s44) scale @ 0.0179945478`_0.0002033 r_bragg 100 Out_X_Yobs("patternObs.txt") Out_X_Ycalc("patternCalc.txt") Out_X_Difference("patternDiff.txt") C_matrix_normalized { 1 2 3 RRR 1: 100 42 -0 nofAtoms 2: 42 100 -0 scale21941632_ 3: -0 -0 100 }