• Open Access

Optical Signatures of Antiferromagnetic Ordering of Fermionic Atoms in an Optical Lattice

Francisco Cordobes Aguilar, Andrew F. Ho, and Janne Ruostekoski
Phys. Rev. X 4, 031036 – Published 2 September 2014


We show how off-resonant light scattering can provide quantitative information on antiferromagnetic ordering of a two-species fermionic atomic gas in a tightly-confined two-dimensional optical lattice. We analyze the emerging magnetic ordering of atoms in the mean-field and in random phase approximations and show how the many-body static and dynamic correlations, evaluated in the standard Feynman-Dyson perturbation series, can be detected in the scattered light signal. The staggered magnetization reveals itself in the magnetic Bragg peaks of the individual spin components. These magnetic peaks, however, can be considerably suppressed in the absence of a true long-range antiferromagnetic order. The light scattered outside the diffraction orders can be collected by a lens with highly improved signal-to-shot-noise ratio when the diffraction maxima are blocked. The collective and single-particle excitations are identified in the spectrum of the scattered light. We find that the spin-conserving and spin-exchanging atomic transitions convey information on density, longitudinal spin, and transverse spin correlations. The different correlations and scattering processes exhibit characteristic angular distribution profiles for the scattered light, and e.g., the diagnostic signal of transverse spin correlations could be separated from the optical response by the scattering direction, frequency, or polarization. We also analyze the detection accuracy by estimating the number of required measurements, constrained by the heating rate that is determined by inelastic light-scattering events. The imaging technique could be extended to the two-species fermionic states in other regions of the phase diagram where the ground-state properties are still not fully understood.

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  • Received 29 November 2013


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Published by the American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Francisco Cordobes Aguilar1,2, Andrew F. Ho1,*, and Janne Ruostekoski2,†

  • 1Department of Physics, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, United Kingdom
  • 2Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom

  • *Corresponding author. andrew.ho@rhul.ac.uk
  • Corresponding author. J.Ruostekoski@soton.ac.uk

Popular Summary

Atoms can be used as emulators of strongly interacting phenomena from other areas of physics that are too complex even for numerical studies. Solid-state crystal structures can be simulated in a controlled, defect-free laboratory setting by confining cold atoms in a periodic optical lattice. Quantum magnetism in solids is thought to play a central role in high-temperature superconductivity, and simulating magnetism in cold-atom systems is fundamentally related to the development of accurate diagnostic methods. We propose an optical imaging technique to measure magnetic correlations of atoms in a cold-atom emulator.

Scattered light can be separated into elastic and inelastic components, where the former arises when an atom transitions back to its original state and the latter occurs when an atom transitions between two states. Similarly to the x-ray scattering from crystalline solids that reveals the spatial lattice structure in constructive interference peaks, the light intensity peaks from the elastically scattered atoms reveal the underlining magnetic ordering of the atoms. On the other hand, the inelastic component can be used to map the quantum correlations of atomic spins onto the fluctuations of light scattered off of atoms, which we undertake; the strength of the peaks and fluctuations of the scattered background light around the peaks can convey information about specific spin correlations or tell us whether or not the correlations have a long-range nature. Recent experiments have shown antiferromagnetic ordering in ultracold gases; we consider a tightly-confined two-dimensional lattice and show that antiferromagnetic order and spin excitations can be inferred from the Bragg peaks and spectral features of the scattered light where energy resolution is available.

Our imaging method provides several advantages over commonly used single-site atom microscopy: There is no need to scan atoms individually in large lattices; the fluctuations of the scattered light can also probe collective magnetic many-body excitations (magnons), and the scattered light from spin-changing transitions provides access to a larger variety of atomic correlation phenomena.

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Vol. 4, Iss. 3 — July - September 2014

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