Possible Stratification Mechanism in Granular Mixtures

Hernán A. Makse, Pierre Cizeau, and H. Eugene Stanley
Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3298 – Published 28 April 1997
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We propose a mechanism to explain what occurs when a mixture of grains of different sizes and different shapes (i.e., different repose angles) is poured into a quasi-two-dimensional cell. Specifically, we develop a model that displays spontaneous stratification of the large and small grains in alternating layers. We find that the key requirement for stratification is a difference in the repose angles of the two pure species, a prediction confirmed by experimental findings. We also identify a kink mechanism that appears to describe essential aspects of the dynamics of stratification.

  • Received 2 December 1996


©1997 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Hernán A. Makse, Pierre Cizeau, and H. Eugene Stanley

  • Center for Polymer Studies and Physics Department, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215

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Vol. 78, Iss. 17 — 28 April 1997

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