Dynamics of a viscous vesicle in linear flows

Petia M. Vlahovska and Ruben Serral Gracia
Phys. Rev. E 75, 016313 – Published 30 January 2007
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An analytical theory is developed to describe the dynamics of a closed lipid bilayer membrane (vesicle) freely suspended in a general linear flow. Considering a nearly spherical shape, the solution to the creeping-flow equations is obtained as a regular perturbation expansion in the excess area. The analysis takes into account the membrane fluidity, incompressibility, and resistance to bending. The constraint for a fixed total area leads to a nonlinear shape evolution equation at leading order. As a result two regimes of vesicle behavior, tank treading and tumbling, are predicted depending on the viscosity contrast between interior and exterior fluid. Below a critical viscosity contrast, which depends on the excess area, the vesicle deforms into a tank-treading ellipsoid, whose orientation angle with respect to the flow direction is independent of the membrane bending rigidity. In the tumbling regime, the vesicle exhibits periodic shape deformations with a frequency that increases with the viscosity contrast. Non-Newtonian rheology such as normal stresses is predicted for a dilute suspension of vesicles. The theory is in good agreement with published experimental data for vesicle behavior in simple shear flow.

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  • Received 3 August 2006


©2007 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Petia M. Vlahovska* and Ruben Serral Gracia

  • Theory Department, Max-Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, D-14424 Potsdam-Golm, Germany

  • *Present address: Thayer School of Engineering, DartmouthCollege, Hanover, NH 03755. Electronic address: petia.vlahovska@dartmouth.edu

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Vol. 75, Iss. 1 — January 2007

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