Why thermal H2 molecules adsorb on SiC(001)c(4×2) and not on SiC(001)(3×2) at room temperature

Xiangyang Peng, Peter Krüger, and Johannes Pollmann
Phys. Rev. B 75, 073409 – Published 16 February 2007


In a recent experiment, Derycke et al. have made the exciting observation that H2 molecules readily adsorb dissociatively on the c(4×2) but not on the 3×2 surface of SiC(001) at room temperature. To unravel this spectacular reactivity difference, we have investigated a variety of H2 reaction scenarios within density-functional theory using the generalized gradient approximation. It turns out that intradimer adsorption is unlikely at both surfaces, while interdimer adsorption depends crucially on the distinct spatial arrangement and dangling-bond topology of the Si dimers at the surfaces. The results clearly reveal barrierless reaction pathways for dissociative H2 adsorption on the c(4×2) surface as opposed to pathways with significant energy barriers on the 3×2 surface. The latter finding also allows us to explain the inertness of self-organized Si addimer nanolines on the c(4×2) surface to H2 uptake.

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  • Received 10 January 2007


©2007 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Xiangyang Peng, Peter Krüger, and Johannes Pollmann

  • Institut für Festkörpertheorie, Universität Münster, 48149 Münster, Germany

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Vol. 75, Iss. 7 — 15 February 2007

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