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More evidence for magnetic ordering in CeCu6 at mK temperatures

E. A. Schuberth, J. Schupp, R. Freese, and K. Andres
Phys. Rev. B 51, 12892(R) – Published 1 May 1995
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dc-magnetization measurements in various magnetic fields on two samples from the same single crystal of CeCu6 in a superconducting quantum interference device system show a plateau of the magnetic susceptibility between 400 and 50 mK, followed by a Curie-like increase towards lower temperatures. At very low temperatures the magnetization starts deviating from a 1/T behavior, saturating around 900 μK in 2.7 mT, the highest B/T ratio obtained in this experiment. We show that this Brillouin behavior must be due to a tiny amount of the magnetic ion Gd3+, present in a concentration of 1.5(3) ppm. After subtracting this contribution from the magnetization curves in various lower fields, a field-dependent structure with a drop of the magnetic susceptibility around 3 mK is left. This decrease is reduced with increasing field and has vanished in 2.7 mT. In the lowest fields the structure is very similar to one observed in ac-susceptibility measurements. The fact that this drop of χ occurs in different samples and that it can be quenched by the magnetic field points to an intrinsic antiferromagnetic ordering in CeCu6 around 3 mK. We cooled one sample to a lowest temperature of 45010+40 μK in a field of 0.3 mT. The susceptibility further decreases with decreasing temperature and shows a small shoulder at 650 μK. In addition, we measured the specific-heat capacity of the same single crystal of CeCu6 in zero magnetic field down to a temperature of 11 mK. Between 40 and 11 mK c/T increases from 1.55 to 2.8 J/mole K2, most likely an indication of the high-temperature end of the magnetic transition.

  • Received 13 February 1995


©1995 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

E. A. Schuberth, J. Schupp, R. Freese, and K. Andres

  • Walther Meissner Institut, D-85748 Garching, Germany

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Vol. 51, Iss. 18 — 1 May 1995

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