Analysis of NMR and conductivity-relaxation measurements in glassy Li2S-SiS2 fast-ion conductors

K. L. Ngai
Phys. Rev. B 48, 13481 – Published 1 November 1993
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Li7 nuclear spin-lattice relaxation (NSR) and Li-ion electrical-conductivity relaxation (ECR) data of (Li2S)0.56(SiS2)0.44, a glassy fast-ionic conductor, have been reanalyzed. Both NSR and ECR data are fitted by using a stretched exponential, exp[-(t/τ*)β], for the correlation function in each relaxation. It is found that τs* for NSR can be several orders of magnitude longer than τσ* for ECR at the same temperature, βs and βσ are not the same with βs<βσ, and the activation energy Es* of τs* is significantly larger than Eσ* of τσ*. In this contribution we show how these pronounced differences of the parameters in the correlation functions of NSR and ECR are explained in the framework of the coupling model. An additional predicted relation: βsEs*=βσEσ* is found to be consistent with the experimental data and the common value of the two products is identified naturally with the true single ion activation energy. The constraints that these experimental data impose on any viable theory of the dynamics of carriers in glassy ionic conductors are discussed.

  • Received 12 March 1993


©1993 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

K. L. Ngai

  • Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. 20375-5232

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Vol. 48, Iss. 18 — 1 November 1993

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