Optical properties of thin semicontinuous gold films over a wavelength range of 2.5 to 500 μm

Yoad Yagil, Patrice Gadenne, Christian Julien, and Guy Deutscher
Phys. Rev. B 46, 2503 – Published 15 July 1992
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The optical reflectance and transmittance of percolating gold films close to the metal-insulator transition were measured over an extended wavelength range: from 2.5 to 500 μm. It is shown that the inhomogeneous nature of such films controls the optical properties even at such long wavelengths as 500 μm, where the typical grain size is 10 nm. Effective-medium theory is shown to be invalid close to the percolation threshold even at 500 μm. Comparison of the measured data of all the samples with the scaling model of Y. Yagil et al. [Phys. Rev. B 43, 11 342 (1991)] yields excellent agreement over the entire wavelength range. In particular, the short length scale determined by the anomalous diffusion relation is shown to be the relevant length scale for the optical measurements. This scaling model for the optical properties of such films is thus experimentally justified, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

  • Received 3 December 1991


©1992 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Yoad Yagil

  • Department of Physics and Astronomy, Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, 69978 Tel-Aviv, Israel

Patrice Gadenne

  • Laboratoire de Optique des Solides, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, 75230 Paris CEDEX 05, France

Christian Julien

  • Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, 75230 Paris CEDEX 05, France

Guy Deutscher

  • Department of Physics and Astronomy, Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, 69978 Tel-Aviv, Israel

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Vol. 46, Iss. 4 — 15 July 1992

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