Radiative lifetime of the 3s3p3(5S2o) metastable level of P+

Anthony G. Calamai, Xiaofeng Han, and William H. Parkinson
Phys. Rev. A 45, 2716 – Published 1 March 1992
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The radiative lifetime of the 3s3p3(5S2o) metastable level of P+ has been measured by counting, for equal time intervals, the ∼221-nm photons emitted when the metastable ions decay to the 3s23p2(3P2,1) levels of P+. This is the first lifetime measurement of the 3s3p3(5S2o) level belonging to a low-charge-state ion in the Si i isoelectronic sequence. Although forbidden to decay by the LS selection rule ΔS=0, the 5S2o level decays via intercombination electric dipole transitions by spin-orbit mixing with other levels of the 3s3p3 configuration. A metastable P+ ion population was produced inside a cylindrical radio-frequency ion trap by electron bombardment of PH3 vapor at pressures ranging from 5×108 to 40×108 Torr. The trap, operated with potential-well depths ranging from 12 to 20 eV, consists of two circular, wire-mesh end caps and a cylindrical, wire-mesh ring electrode with physical dimensions r0=z0=1.67 cm. Some of the light emitted by the decaying 5S2o population was focused onto a 19-nm-bandwidth interference filter in front of a photomultiplier tube operated in single-photon counting mode. The mean lifetime was obtained from the decay-rate parameter of a nonlinear least-squares fit of a single exponential plus a constant background to the decay counts. Our result for the radiative lifetime of the 3s3p3(5S2o) metastable level of P+ is 167±12 μs.

  • Received 11 October 1991


©1992 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Anthony G. Calamai, Xiaofeng Han, and William H. Parkinson

  • Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

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Vol. 45, Iss. 5 — March 1992

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