A Positive Energy Wave Packet Solution of the Dirac Equation

Carl Eckart and B. L. Griffing
Phys. Rev. 50, 1145 – Published 15 December 1936
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A wave packet solution of the Dirac equation is obtained by superposition of positive energy solutions only. The solution involves an arbitrary parameter, and it is shown that this can be chosen so that all three dimensions of the packet are less than mc. The possibility of constructing such a packet had been doubted. It is also shown that in the limit Δx=0, ΔxΔpx=1.49. It is not known whether this is the smallest value for the uncertainty product, subject to the condition that only positive energy solutions are used in the construction of the packet, or whether some other solution might yield a still smaller value.

  • Received 3 October 1936


©1936 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Carl Eckart and B. L. Griffing

  • Ryerson Laboratory, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

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Vol. 50, Iss. 12 — December 1936

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