High-Energy np Charge-Exchange Scattering and One-Pion Exchange

Nina Byers
Phys. Rev. 156, 1703 – Published 25 April 1967
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It is shown that the "droplet" model with long-range π exchange included can account for the observed np charge-exchange differential cross sections in the GeV region for 0<t<0.5 (GeVc)2. The very steep rise in dσdt for t<0.02 (GeVc)2 is due to long-range π exchange and is similar to the steep rise near t=0 in elastic scattering of charged particles due to the Coulomb interaction. From the droplet-model view-point, π exchange can be identified only in large-impact-parameter collisions. For smaller-impact-parameter collisions, the model differs from the absorptive OPE model; however, the resulting amplitudes also have the one-pion pole at t=μ2. The reaction nppn in the GeV region is remarkable in that it may be the only reaction in which the effect of long-range π exchange can be easily seen. In elastic scattering, long-range π0 exchange scattering is small compared to diffraction scattering, and is masked by Coulomb effects. It might be observed in high-precision measurements of np elastic scattering. In p¯pn¯n, the effect of long-range π exchange is likely to be more accessible to experimental observation. The anomaly near t=0 due to π exchange may tend to vanish at high energies, due to the rapid decrease of the π-exchange amplitude with increasing energy. Fits to the data in the region 0.1<t<0.5 (GeVc)2 indicate strong spin dependence in np and p¯p charge exchange.

  • Received 27 June 1966


©1967 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Nina Byers*

  • University of California, Los Angeles, California

  • *Supported in part by the National Science Foundation.

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Vol. 156, Iss. 5 — April 1967

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