Normal Vibrations in Aluminum and Derived Thermodynamic Properties

G. Gilat and R. M. Nicklow
Phys. Rev. 143, 487 – Published 11 March 1966
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The experimental phonon-dispersion curves of aluminum at 80°K and at 300°K have been analyzed in terms of axially symmetric Born-von Kármán force-constant models, including 8 nearest neighbors. The resulting models have been used to compute a frequency distribution function g(ω) at each temperature from which various thermodynamic properties have been derived. The specific-heat curve predicted by the g(ω) appropriate to 80°K fits excellently the experimental results in the temperature range 20 to 80°K. At higher temperatures the experimental results deviate from this calculated curve and approach the curve appropriate to g(ω) at 300°K. Similar behavior is found for the experimental Debye-Waller coefficient in the range above 100°K. It is concluded that inelastic-neutron-scattering data and thermodynamic data are compatible in the range of sufficiently low temperatures where deviations from the quasiharmonic approximation are small, provided a good force-constant model as well as a statistically adequate g(ω) are available. There is evidence that the quasiharmonic approximation in aluminum is invalid at room temperature at least for the extreme low-frequency part of g(ω).

  • Received 16 September 1965


©1966 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

G. Gilat and R. M. Nicklow

  • Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

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Vol. 143, Iss. 2 — March 1966

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